India has a very diverse and beautiful climate and geography. From region to region the landscape, language, food, clothes, and culture change, and this diversity is also beautifully captured in the kind of food we grow and eat here. This beautiful country boasts of a very varied growing season and an immense diversity of grains, legumes, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
In collaboration with Beejom, the team has created a model farm in the wilderness zone of the Park where Kharif, Rabi and Zaid crops and many forgotten vegetables are cultivated. This space is aimed at creating awareness and interest amongst children for our traditional farming practices too. There are signage in the area which informs children on this subject.

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Communtiy Kitchen Garden in the Heart of Sunder Nursery Park

India is a tropic country its sessions are majorly divided into three categories Rabi, Kharif, and Zaid. The north Indian plain, of which Delhi is a part, offers a great variety of seasonal farm produce in all seasons. Sadly, only a few varieties are now grown and sold in our markets or even urban stalls. Also, very few children understand how 'food is grown’, or even the effort involved in gowing crops and vegetables At Sunder Nursery, the model farmland of lost vegetables, situated by the children's Playhouseand Wilderness Zone gives us a great opportunity to showcase a model community kitchen garden at Sunder Nursery-Delhi's Heritage Park.

Sunder NurseryPark promotes healthy lifestyle and through the model farm patch aims to focus on our food heritage here. it showcases school children and adults alike thelost crops, vegetables and herbs found as per the three agricultural seasons obsetrved in India. Sunder Nursery Park showcases the natural habitats of Delhi i.e Kohi (semi arid), Bangar (alluvial plain), Khadar (Riverine) and Dabar (Marshy) through its habitat zone. The alluvial plain or the bangar zone is where the major crops are grown. This small model farm showcases the crops that would be grown in the plains. It is a great opportunity for visitors, especially children to learn and understand how ‘food’ is grown.

A dedicated horticulture team of Sunder Nursery works tirelessly to conduct plantation in this model farmland which is situated near the Children's Playzone the Wilderness Zone. It provides a good opportunity to showcase the crops grown in alluvial plains in the three distinct seasons – Rabi, Zaid and Kharif.
The model farms, developed in association with Beejom, have added to the attractions of Sunder Nursery.

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A site with breath-taking monuments, paradise gardens and biodiversity, Sunder Nursery was listed amongst the 100 WORLD’S GREATEST PLACES of 2018 by TIME Magazine.